SUPPORT SHAREWARE IT WORKS FOR ALL OF US IF YOU USE THEM PLEASE REGISTER THEM LOOKZ.EXE & SEEZ.BAT * ITEMS NEEDED * LIST.COM, PKZ090.EXE, AND MORE.COM from the DOS disk. These files must exist either in the root directory, or in your path statement. by Vernon D. Buerg is in it's latest variety I believe called List64A.arc. ( Am I in trouble for mentioning ARC??). Type PKZ090 to extract the PKZIP and PKUNZIP utilities by Phil Katz. Zip archives are the latest technologies from PKWARE. The original utility Look was entered into the Public Domain by James O. Miller on 10/31/88. I merely changed his code so it would be easier to view a Zip file without resorting to a command line statement. SeeZ.bat is a simple utility to allow you to quickly see what is inside of a Zip file. Use SEEZ No extension needed to see what exists inside the Zip file. Then if you wish to read an ASCII text file inside of the Zip file. Type LOOKZ . This will extract a copy of the ASCII file from the Zip and call Vernon D. Buerg's to view the ASCII file. After viewing the copy of the ASCII file will be deleted. * CAUTION if you use Lookz a copy of the ASCII file will be extracted and it will Overwrite any existing copy in the directory your are in. So if you use Lookz it might be better to do so in a temporary area safe from files you would not want inadvertantly written over. I use this mainly for text or doc files. But of course any ASCII file, ie, program source files etc., may be viewed. ** NOTE ** These two utilities are entered into the Public Domain and the author bears no responsibility for their useage. You do so at your own risk. Lookz simply extracts a copy of an ASCII file and uses to view it. After viewing, the copy is deleted. If you overwrite an existing copy in the directory you are in. That overwritten copy will be deleted. I hope you enjoy these utilities! If you have any comments or wish to contribute any monetary rewards send same to: Mark Gallagher P.O. Box 638 Orange, NJ 07051